It is believed that carrying Çintemani grants an individual the ability to perfectly calculate and balance one's decisions.
As in the beliefs of Turkic people of central Asia, who brought Çintemani to Anatolia, the eye of heart will remind you of the spiritual aspect of your decision, while the eye of the mind is calculating the material benefits and the eye of the earth is balancing them perfectly to make you stronger.
An eye for Heart. An eye for Mind. An eye for Earth.
The Tree of Life, perhaps, is the most ancient and the most important concept in humanity's journey on understanding the world. It connects the heavens to the mortal realm and represents the harmony between all which exists. It is the meta that gives the archaic Anatolian shamans revelations about life and balance. The tree of life is the perfect symbol for those who always want to be in touch with the light within them.
“ Some symbols are deeply Rooted in human History. ”
Many things have changed throughout history, but not the vision of elegance. This vision encompasses a state of existence in timelessness and grace, with a delicate touch. The Hellenistic era of Anatolia was ever influential in the theme of elegance. Hellegance is the charm for those who seek to add this Hellenistic beauty to their aura.
"The Elegant has olways Remained the same."
Passion ? Lust ? Desire ? Among these qualities and many others, there is one which is shared by all love stories remembered in Anatolia today: Dedication. For centuries, the Anatolian tulip has stood for this concept of love between two individuals; so powerful and selfless that it breaks the barrier of the material and spiritual worlds. The feeling which began as a mortal desire sparks an immortal, divine connection between the lover and the god. The Anatolian Tulip is the most fragrant reminder for celebrating this sacred bond and remembering to melt into the cosmos through love.
“ What does it take for a Love story to be Eternal ? ”
“Allow the spirit of Eros to grant you
the Joy of Love today. ”
It is a mysterious thing to be in love. To be lost in the euphoria, to be enchanted. Among all desires in the world, to love and be loved is universal. Eros; the distributor of these intense impulses, that neither mortals nor gods can avoid, had always been worshiped and honored by those seeking these gifts. Carry his image, honor his powers; allow the spirit of eros to grant you the joy of love today.